Organisation (English)
Dutch Senior Civil Service
The Senior Civil Service (SCS) is made up of the most senior civil servants within the government: managers with final executive responsibility for both people and resources. The Top Management Group (TMG) is a specific group within the SCS. This group consists of secretaries-general, directors-general, inspectors-general and some other equivalent positions.
Office for the Senior Civil Service
The directorate-general for the Senior Civil Service (in Dutch: Directoraat-generaal Algemene Bestuursdienst) is the central management development organisation for SCS members. It aims to promote quality in the administrative executive levels of government departments. The office is responsible for recruiting and selecting SCS managers and acts as the employer of the Top Management Group. Career interviews with MD consultants, training and development programmes and peer review provide support in the professional development of government managers. The directorate-general for the SCS is part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Directorate-general for the SCS
Zurichtoren | Muzenstraat 97 | NL 2511 WB Den Haag
P.O. Box 20011 | 2500 EA Den Haag | NL 2500 EA Den Haag
T: +31 70 426 7353